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Ladies and Gentlemen,

The magazine "Pedagogika Katolicka" covers a wide range of topics (social, security, management, humanistic, theological, philosophical, pedagogical, legal), based mainly on Catholic values. On its pages, in individual sections, we present content that is directly or indirectly related to Catholic values. Therefore, please remember this when sending texts. This is one of the conditions for accepting the text for printing. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature. The authors of the texts are primarily research workers, educators and people improving their scientific qualifications.

Deadline for submitting materials:

- to the first issue - by June 20 - or after receiving 21 texts

- for the second issue - by December 20 - or after receiving 21 texts

If the number of required texts/articles (max. 30) is received by the Editorial Office before the specified deadline, then the given issue of the journal is posted regardless of the deadline for submitting the articles. The cost of publishing an article from No. 1/2024 is PLN 1,000. *reviewers, proofreading, printing, costs, administration, typesetting, foreign database fees, etc.)

We only publish articles that:

- have not been published anywhere yet;

- articles by a single author - we do not accept articles by multiple authors;

- are scientific in nature and based on our own research;

- have a minimum of 21,000 characters without spaces (except summaries, bibliography, author's CV);

- have a summary in Polish and English (approx. 1000 characters each);

- are written in Polish or the congress language, or in a language from the Slavic group of languages;

- contain structure (subtitles)

- links (footnotes) placed at the bottom of a given page;

- contain the title of the article in English and Polish;

- text written in font: Times New Roman, size 12 pts, spacing 1.5 pts;

- they do not have the so-called "exploded" text;

- have appropriately formatted tables (jpg) – if any;

- contain a note about the author - a short scientific CV;

- bibliography is divided into: sources, studies, literature, netography);

- footnotes prepared according to the Harvard system (Harvard Referencing System)

- in the case of books, provide the publisher's name and ISBN number;

- color ID photo in electronic version with good resolution;

- we accept texts only in electronic version;

 - article based on own and current research;

We prepare the article according to the following scheme;

a/ Foto, ID format, colorful, good resolution

b/. degree and academic title

c/. university name/affiliation

d/. Scientific CV – max 1200 characters with spaces

e/. ORCID: E-mail:

f/. title of the article in English

g/. title of the article in Polish

h/. the main part of the article divided into subchapters

i/. bibliography

Basic rules for reviewing publications in a journal:

1. At least two independent reviewers from outside the unit are appointed to evaluate each publication.

2. In the case of texts written in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution other than the nationality of the author of the work

3. The recommended solution is a model in which the author and reviewers do not know each other's identities (tzw. „double-blind review proces”)

4. In other solutions, the reviewer must sign a declaration of no conflict of interest; The following are considered conflicts of interest between the reviewer and the author:

a) direct personal relationships (kinship, legal relationships, conflict),

a) relationships of professional and official subordination;

b) direct scientific cooperation in the last two years preceding the preparation of the review.

5. The review must be in writing and end with a clear conclusion regarding the acceptance of the article for publication or its rejection.

6. The rules for qualifying or rejecting publications and the review form are made public on the journal's website and in each issue of the journal

 7. The names of the reviewers of individual publications/issues are not disclosed; the list of reviewers cooperating with the Editorial Office is available on the website. www.pedkat.pl