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Mgr Małgorzata Zrelli

Catholic University of Ružomberok

He conducts research in the field of: missiology, pedagogy, social work, mediation, charity work, theology and tourism.

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Father Pio is one of the most famous saints of our time and a genuine Christian mystic. One can see in him a clear action of the Holy Spirit, willing readiness and persistent faithfulness in submission to God's action. He lived a life filled with faith, in close contact with supernatural reality. He had full confidence in God and placed all his hope in Him, not only by talking about it, but above all by setting an example with himself. The advice he often gave to the faithful was characterized by great prudence. He treated everyone fairly, he wanted to help everyone get closer to God. His penchant for self-mortification and his love for the Cross prove that he possessed the wonderful virtues of strength and perseverance. His humility is clearly visible in the attitude he adopted in connection with stigmatization. When the stigmata became visible, he did not use the opportunity to flaunt them in front of the faithful, but preferred to hide them. He lived in poverty, completely indifferent to his own needs, worldly goods and honors.

Father Pio showed us what true love means. He loved God and neighbor so much that he decided to sacrifice himself. He was crucified without a cross for 50 years. Out of love, he endured unimaginable suffering, which made him a co-redeemer and sharer in Christ's Passion. He showed us how to suffer in order not to drown in despair and not to distance ourselves from God[1].

Key words: Father Pio, stigmata, confession, bilocation, Holy Mass, miracles.


Banach A., Ojciec Pio wielki stygmatyk, Grupa Wydawnicza Foksal, Warszawa 2014.

Burchacka I., Ojciec Pio. Osobowość i posługa w relacjach współczesnych, Instytut Prasy i wydawnictw Novum, Warszawa 1986.

Cavagnari G., Ojciec Pio droga do świętości, Fundacja Instytut Edukacji Społecznej i Religijnej, Kraków 2011.

Gerardo di Flumeri P. [red.], Święty Ojciec Pio: fotografie, świadectwa, wspomnienia, Wyd. Axel Springer Polska, Kielce 2007.

Majka G. O., Na drodze do Boga, Wyd. Pallottinum, Poznań 2004.

Majka G. O., Święty Ojciec Pio. Cyrenejczyk dla wszystkich, Wyd. „M”, Kraków 2002.

Ripabottoni A. (przeł. Hinc R. M.), Ojciec Pio z Pietrelciny, Wyd. Kuria Prowincjalna Zakonu Braci Mniejszych Kapucynów, Kraków 2001.

Sujka A., Ojciec Pio. Stygmatyk z Pietrelciny, Wyd. „M”, Kraków 2002.


https://glosojcapio.pl/duchowosc/item/967-zapach-swietosci-ojca-pio (online access: 25.04.2023 r.).

https://adonai.pl/swieci/?id=137 (online access: 25.04.2023 r.).

[1] A. Banach, Ojciec Pio wielki stygmatyk, op. cit., s. 150.


Pages: 297-308


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