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Dr Monika Borowska

John Paul II Pontifical University in KrakowPedagogue. Scientific interests: in the field of basics of psychology, psychology of human development in the life course, developmental approaches to understanding mental functioning disorders, human development in the family, psychological operationalization of development tasks carried out in the family, taking into account the regulatory function of religiosity.

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The presented study undertook the analysis of psychological parameters of religiosity in believers and practitioners who, at different stages of development, were experienced with the limit situation of the death of their loved ones which significantly affected their life. This situation is most often described by respondents as rattling their existing conception of faith, but not leading them to abandon their relationship with God. Overwhelming suffering leads to the disruption of previous shape of their religiosity, and significant factors in this are inner disunity, crisis of confidence and disorientation. The goal of the study was to answer the following research questions: what is the shape of religiosity in believers who experienced such a difficult situation? Does this experience weaken the existing religiosity or shape some specific tendencies in it? The theoretical basis of the study was Czeslaw Walesa’s cognitive-developmental conception of religiosity. An in-depth interview as well as a questionnaire constructed on its grounds were used. The study includes the analysis of 10 cases.

Key words: death, limit situation, religiosity, parameters of religiosity, ambivalent tendencies, negative tendencies.


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Pages: 243-252


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