Dr hab. prof. KUL Marta Greszata-Telusiewicz
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Lublin
Professor, lawyer. Main research: criminal law, procedural law, the canonic law.
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In the doctrine of procedural canon law, the mediation is most often called an attempt to reconcile the parties. The mediation surprise in its simplicity and, at the same time, is very astonishing in its effectiveness. That is a legal institiution that in its theoretical structure resembles mediation, in the canonical procedural law system it can be used as a settlement, compromise or arbitration court. It is called an attempt to reconcile the parties, reconciliation of the parties, agreement of the parties or atonement of the parties. It is always necessary to recall that the concern for the salvation of souls remains the highest goal of institutions, legal acts and laws, but the protection of unity in faith and in the discipline of marriage, which is the foundation and origin of the Christian family is also the goal. The legislator constantly encourages the judge to try to reconcile the parties - mediation in many types of canonical trials: in contentious trials, in oral trials, in cases to declare nullity of marriage and in cases of separation of spouses. In each of these, the point is to refrain from going to court, which,- althought is the most perfect method of seeking justice among believers - is the last method and must be treated as such. Therefore the dominance over the legal action is taken over by all kinds of pastoral means used to reconcile the parties, because this reconciliation, in their practical form, bears all the hallmarks of the mediation.
Key words: mediation, reconcile the parties, canonical trial, marriage processes, marriage law, procedural canon law
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Pages: 61-69